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Key Benefits

Grove Gateway will provide community benefits to new and existing Grove residents.

A visualisation of Grove Gateway’s local centre including new primary school and community hub

Affordable homes (approximately 230) in the form of tenures that are most needed in Vale, including First Homes

Community facilities for both the new and existing community, for example a new primary school and medical facilities.

Employment opportunities equating to 1,500 permanent fulltime equivalent (FTE) direct jobs and approximately 425 permanent FTE indirect jobs.

Approximately 850 full-time equivalent temporary jobs over the build period

Wildlife habitat creation through biodiversity net gain

Public transport that will support both new growth and the existing community including rail, EV charging, bus, cycle, and footpaths as well as a mobility hub.

New Homes Bonus Payment of approximately £5m over a 6-year period

Annual household expenditure of £10.1m per year into the local economy.

Serviced employment land which will be modern, fit for purpose and delivering more than 475,000 sq. ft of new commercial floorspace.

Council Tax revenue of approximately £1.4m per annum

Publicly accessible open space, sports facilities, and allotments to increase health and wellbeing within close proximity to sustainable forms of transport.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Melisa Geshteja of SP Broadway on
07732531570 or at melisa@spbroadway.com